
Almost every woman suffers from menstrual problems at some point in her life or on a recurring basis. Pulling in the back and lower abdomen, often coupled with discomfort and even vomiting, are unpleasant side effects for women. The discomfort is often so distressing that it affects their private life and prevents them from attending school or work.


The many testimonials and feedback from our customers show that the ZenPad Zyklus could increase your well-being during the menstrual phase:

  • Reduces acute physical menstrual problems
  • Significantly stabilizes the menstrual cycle
  • specifically activates the body's self-healing powers
  • stimulates the female organs
  • Balances the natural fluctuations of the female cycle
  • restores well-being

... Try it out!

Always clarify your pain pattern with a doctor!


The ZenPad can be applied very easily, quickly and flexibly to the painful area using the plaster supplied. The point on the right below the navel (at uterine level) has proven to be particularly effective for mestruation complaints in more than 100 test subjects. The test subjects and customers usually applied the ZenPad one day before the start of mestruation. Try it out and be flexible: you can of course also move the ZenPad cycle!

Try out for yourself which area is best for you. In most cases, the positive effects in terms of an increase in your well-being are quickly noticeable. Please monitor the effect and let us know about your success with the ZenPad cycle. 


So that menstruation becomes a minor matter
- Thanks to frequency-based cell stimulation

Legal notice:

The ZenPads are based on physical energetic effects and are not therapeutic products or medical devices in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/745 or Regulation (EU) 2017/746 as amended. The effect of the pads has already led to significant positive results for countless people, but has not yet been proven by scientific studies. We are convinced of their effectiveness and at the same time are aware of the fact that this holistic approach still cannot be scientifically and conventionally proven. All our information on use and effectiveness is based in particular on the experiences and testimonials of our customers. Therefore, the ZenPad cannot and will not replace medical treatment, but rather complement it in the best possible way. The aim is to improve your well-being! ViCo Systems GmbH therefore makes no promise of cure or effectiveness, makes no diagnoses and is not liable for (personal) injury due to incorrect use.