Muscle pain in general

You suffer from muscle pain and complaints such as

  • Muscle tension (such as sore muscles etc.)
  • Back and neck tension
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Intervertebral disc problems
  • Bruising
  • Cysts


then that is ZenPad noPain Athe right thing for you.

Fibromyalgia, muscle pain
Quynh G.

I have been suffering from fibromyalgia for years with severe muscle pain in the shoulder, neck and arm area. With the ZenPad SchmerzFrei akut, the tension and muscle pain have eased significantly after just 2 days!



Intervertebral discs
Detlef M., 57, employee

I have been suffering for many years from a Herniated disc and took painkillers. Since I applied 2 SchmerzFrei akut to the left and right of the damaged lumbar vertebrae, my pain has been reduced so much that I no longer need to take any tablets! I am simply happy with the ZenPads. It took 2-3 days for the effect to kick in. I currently wear the ZenPads whenever the pain comes back. Unreserved recommendation.

Baker's cyst, cysts
Maria L., 42

For me, the ZenPad PainFree Acute was the ideal companion after my burst Baker's cyst on my leg. The Muscle pain have minimized and the Swelling and quickly soothes the tissue.



Muscle strain, back
Thiery C., Professional cyclist

Several experiences have led me to report on my experiences with the ZenPad concept. One undeniable advantage is the SchmerzFrei akut. It is a concrete help in terms of my performance for heavy muscle strain - I bring the ZenPad SchmerzFrei akut on my thigh muscle before training . But also the ZenPad PainFree chronic, my recurring back pain along the back and shoulder tendons is a thing of the past.

Neck pain
Markus K., entrepreneur

As my limitations due to wear and tear on my cervical spine cannot be treated conventionally, I decided to try the product SchmerzFrei akut. I am delighted that it not only has a pain-reducing effect, but I have also noticed a significant improvement in mobility in the neck and head area. It is my constant companion for pain crises, e.g. after changing pillows when traveling.


Click here for the Product!

We recommend...

NoPain A
CHF 92,00