Muscle pain in general

Here you will find everything you need to know about our innovative ZenPads to get the best out of them. Find out more about the use and effects of our unique pads.


Use the Zenpad noPain A, where customers use several ZenPads.

Upper arm pain

Use the Bundle noPain A+C as, depending on the complaint, either the ZenPad can support noPain A (muscle-related) or SchmerzFrei noPain C (vision- ligament-related)

Sore muscles, prophylaxis

Use the Zenpad noPain A

Cyst, Baker's cyst

Here you will find customer experiences about cysts such as Baker's cyst, ganglion cysts on the leg or knee and the support provided by the ZenPad Pain noPain A.

Click here for the product!

Muscle pain in general

You suffer from muscle pain and complaints such as

  • Muscle tension (such as sore muscles etc.)
  • Back and neck tension
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Intervertebral disc problems
  • Bruising
  • Cysts


then that is ZenPad noPain Athe right thing for you.

ZenPad Shirt size chart


A: Chest C: Back length Size
38 cm 63.5 cm 36
40 cm 65 cm 38
42 cm 66.5 cm 40
44 cm 68 cm 42
46 69.5 cm 44


A: Chest C: Back length Size
50 cm 70 cm M
53 cm 71.5 cm L
56 cm 73 cm XL
60 cm 74.5 cm 2 XL
64 cm 76 cm 3 XL